Postdoctoral researcher
Graduate students
류창영(Ryu Changyoung)
Ph.D Course
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering:
Chung-Ang University
Master course:
Chung-Ang University, Mechanical Engineering
Research field: Laser-induced graphene
(Poster) Wettability transition of AL6061 based on laser surface texturing
(Poster) Fabrication of Porous Polyimide using Copper foam for Supercapacitor
(Poster) Enhanced Densified Laser-induced Graphene Utilizing Dimpled Polyimide for Supercapacitor Electrodes
(Poster) Laser structuring of SiC for enhanced thermal performance
Journal paper:
1st author - Enhanced performance of densified laser-induced graphene supercapacitor electrodes in dimpled polyimide, Applied Surface Science, Applied Surface Science 2024, 643, 158696
1st author - Laser-induced selective wettability transition of 6061 aluminum alloy surfaces, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38 (4), 2143-2150, 2024.
1st co-author - Improving the actuation behavior of nitinol shape memory alloys by nanosecond laser surface texturing, Optics & Laser Technology, 176, 110957, 2024.
1st co-author - Fabrication of modified laser-induced graphene using activated carbon and polyamic acid coating for flexible and high-performance microsupercapacitors, Carbon, 230, 119646, 2024
Coauthor - 6건
Patent: 출원 - 2건
Do Minh Huan (도 민 후안)
Master Course
최종혁 (Choi Jonghyuck)
Master Course
B.S in Aircraft Engineering:
Moscow Aviation Institute
Master course:
Chung-Ang University,
Department of Intelligent Energy and Industry
Research field: Laser-based additive manufacturing technology (3D printing)
(Poster) Laser-based Directed Energy Deposition for Three-dimensional Supercapacitor Applications
(Poster) Advanced Three-dimensional Micro Metallic Current Collector for Microsupercapacitor using Laser-directed Energy Deposition
Journal paper:
1st coauthor - Laser-directed energy deposition to achieve high-aspect-ratio micropillar arrays for 3D interdigitated microsupercapacitors, Energy Storage Materials, 67, 103312, 2024.
Coauthor - 3건
B.S in Mechanical Engineering:
Incheon National University
Master course:
Chung-Ang University,
Mechanical Engineering
Research field:
Journal paper:
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
B.S in Mechanical Engineering:
Chung-Ang University
Research field:
Journal paper:
B.S in Mechanical Engineering:
Chung-Ang University
Research field:
Journal paper:
B.S in Mechanical Engineering:
Chung-Ang University
Research field:
Journal paper:
Undergraduate Students
Laboratory Staff
Laboratory Staff
Laboratory Staff